Job Undervalue

Some people feel that certain workers like nurses, doctors and teachers are undervalued and should be paid more, especially when other people like film actors or company bosses are paid huge sums of money that are out of proportion to the importance of the work that they do. How far do you agree? What criteria should be used to decide how much people are paid?

It is widely deemed that nurses, doctors and teachers are anonymous heroes by their life-saving and educational work in society. Nonetheless, these heroes are far too underpaid in comparison with celebrities or chief executive officers irrespective of the paramountcy of their work. In this sense, whether the salary reflected the value of a work is yet to be ascertained.

First and foremost, there are those who contend those anonymous heroes are being valued by the stability of their income. Once individuals obtain the qualification to be a nurse, physician or teacher and become gainfully employed, minimum wages are ascertained. Furthermore, it is a common occurrence that their wages are progressively increased based on their experience.

From another stance, a staggering number of individuals claim that film actors and company leaders are also heroes to audiences and employees. Interestingly enough, film actors inspire audiences with their postural and facial expressions in their films, in addition to company bosses which, incidentally, create numerous job opportunities; needless to say, their values are affirmed.

Ultimately, some of those anonymous heroes are earning staggering sums of money. To illustrate, surgeons working in private hospitals can obtain an hourly wage tenfold than that working in public hospitals.

Viewed as a whole, it is fair to assert that the value of a job is not only being judged by salary, but also the income stability. Basis on my observation, it is film actors and company directors who are undervalued irrespective of large pay packages they are entitled to.



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